Henry Martyn Centre Seminar with Tyndale House

Embodying Memories: 
Early Bible Translations in Tranquebar
and Serampore

Wednesday 14th March, 4pm
At Tyndale House, Selwyn Gardens,
Cambridge CB3 9BA

Daniel Jeyaraj is Professor of World Christianity at Liverpool Hope University and is also the director of the Andrew F. Walls Centre for the Study of African and Asian Christianity.

A distinguished theologian and ordained minister of the Church of South India, Professor Jeyaraj pioneered research into eighteenth century European mission movements to India and their reverse effects on Europe

Professor Jeyaraj has played a significant role in recovering, identifying, and preserving several eighteenth century palm leaf manuscripts written in Tamil and Telugu in Germany and Denmark.


For more information: phone: 01223 741088 or Email 

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