Many Christians in Britain today are unsure what to make of the fierce debate over same-sex marriage. They are often more unsure about how to meaningfully answer the questions that people around them are asking. Are traditionalists simply clinging to an understanding of marriage that Britain no longer needs nor believes in? Or are there profound issues at stake that the reformers are ignorant of? What beliefs about sex, identity and marriage are different sides of the debate depending on? How can Christians make their vision for marriage intelligible to secular thinkers? What case do we have to make? If these are the kind of issues you are wrestling with, this event is for you!
Saturday 29th September 2012
Revd Dr Sean Doherty
Tyndale House, Cambridge
10am - 1pm
Early Bird ticket £8 (by 8 Sep) / TFA members £5
Standard ticket £12 / TFA members £8
To book or for more information click here 01223 566601
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