Summer Hebrew Ulpan for University Students

Centre for Modern Hebrew Studies
University of Cambridge
Sunday 29 June – Friday 11 July, 2014

Details here.

The course is designed for university students. It will offer the following levels: total beginners, lower intermediate and intermediate. It will consist of 3 - 4 daily hours of intensive language tuition as well as various activities, including: a visit to the Taylor-Schechter Genizah collection, a visit to the Wren Library at Trinity College, lectures on related topics, Shabbat dinner at the Chabad House, and screenings of Israeli films.

The 2014 programme has yet to be finalised but will broadly follow the outline of last year's programme. The extra curricular activities (lectures, films and visits) will be updated and this year's programme will be available at a later date.

Prospective students may be interested in some photographs and participant feedback from the Ulpan.

Tuition fee for the Ulpan (not including accomodation): £500
Accommodation in college (bed and breakfast): £500
Deposit: £100 (non-refundable)
Cheques should be made payable to "University of Cambridge".

Other expenses: text book (required) £25.00
Also, please note that lunches and evening meals are not provided.
Application Form
Application deadline:
 applications must be received by Friday, 13th June, 2014.

Rachel Williams
Ulpan Organizer
Faculty of Asian & Middle Eastern Studies
Sidgwick Avenue
Cambridge, CB3 9DA

Tel: 01223-335106

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